Just the thoughts of one daughter of the King of Kings, a wife, a mother, a sister and a friend.

Monday, April 23, 2012

So ready for VACATION

Vacation Countdown Clock Generator

Our family vacation cannot get here sooner! I am so ready to hit the beach for a week and do ABSOLUTELY nothing! Lol! 

Yes, I know I have 4 kids. Yes, I know it's  Memorial Day week when we will be there & it's probably going to be crazy packed. Yes, I know the kids are going to want to do this and do that. But I promise you this... I WILL REST! Daggummit.

Last year we went to Disney World. See... here we are. Aren't we a beautiful family?! Yes, I know.  (p.s. I do adore our shirts. Bought the iron on transfers from Esty - however, I would totally recommend the embroidered versions instead. Our shirts didn't hold up well after the first wash.)

And while Disney World was a great trip and we made TONS of memories (especially being with PawPaw! Gah- I miss him terribly!)... I DO NOT want a busy vacation this year.  I felt like I needed a vacation from our vacation when we got back from Disney. Whew! I have informed my husband, my sister & parents - who are also going to Daytona with us this year - that I do not want any agenda for our vacation. I want to go and be as lazy as possible. Haha! 

Between church/ministry, work, home life, kids, kids sports, pets, etc. - this Mama is tired and deserves a break!

So watch out Daytona Beach... Mama's coming to town... to rest. Ha! Therefore you probably need not watch out... just make sure there's a spot on the beach for me... and plenty of sun... and no sand fleas. Thank you. That is all.

<3 Sonya 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I Can’t Think Straight!

Seriously, some days... okay, who am I kidding EVERY DAY I feel like this... I can't think straight! Today is really one of those days. I received an email devotion from Proverbs 31 Ministries today that spoke right to me! Thank you Lord. :)  Read about it HERE. Enjoy!

<3 Sonya

Monday, April 2, 2012

We made it passed the Seven Year Itch! {fist pump}

Today Chris and I celebrate 7 years of marriage! :) I believe that Chris and I have a good healthy marriage. Don't get me wrong, it definitely has had it's ups and downs just like any other marriage.  But I believe the #1 reason our marriage stays strong and healthy is our relationship with & love for Jesus Christ.  We may not always say the right thing to each other, do the right things, make the right decisions... but at the center of our love for each other is our love for God.  I can honestly say that God is what holds this marriage together. 
I was blessed to meet Chris "again" for the first time in October of 2004. It's funny, our families actually grew up together. In fact, his Dad & brothers were great friends with my Dad & his brothers.  Chris' grandpa would bring him to my Dad's church when he was younger. I remember making fun of him because he never spoke to anyone. We also went to the same high school, but we never spoke to each other. He was a Freshman and I was a Senior.  Seriously? Why would I talk to him, right? Lol!!  It's funny how God has our life in his hands and he molds it for us, even when we can't see it? 
Without giving all the details, our paths were brought together by very broken roads. Chris' first wife passed away from Leukemia and I had a failed marriage with my 1st daughter's father. When Chris & I were "brought together" we never would have dreamed that we would change the way we looked at each other and quickly fall in love.
I'm so thankful that I have a strong man of God to walk with me in this life. Chris prays for and lifts our family up to God everyday. He helps me when I'm weak. He tells me I'm beautiful when I'm feeling no where near that. He is an amazing father to our kids. He puts me and our family before himself. He really does complete me. 

I may not know it all, have never claimed to. But this it what works for us. Being believers in Christ, Chris & I believe & live by this order for our life, for our family. 
#1 - God. He HAS to be the center of life! If you love God with all of your heart, have a real relationship with Him, he will lead you & keep you. Relationships don't come from visiting church every now and then... or even being faithful to every Sunday & Wednesday service. A real relationship with God takes time and effort. Spend time in his Word. Know him. Love him. 
#2 - Your spouse. Only comes 2nd to Christ. Love your spouse. Honor your spouse. Respect your spouse. Encourage & lift them up in prayer daily. Tell them everyday in words and in your actions just how much they mean to you. Don't neglect the little things that made you first fall in love with them. Do not allow any form of temptation come between you and your relationship with your spouse. This includes your job, the success of your job, ministry, friends... not even your kids! Yes, you LOVE your kids, but they do not come before your spouse.
#3 - Family.  I love my kids. I do. So much some times that it hurts. I hurt when they hurt, I'm happy when they are happy. I support & participate in the things that interest them. My children light up my life. I try to tell my kids multiple times a day how much I love them so they will never forget! Family also includes your mom, dad, sister, brother, cousin, and so on. Love the family that God has given you. Whether born into and blessed into, LOVE your family. 
#4 - Ministry. Growing up a PK (preacher's kid) sometimes you grow hard-hearted towards ministry. You think the ministry means more to your parents than you do. Ministry is what we as believers are all called to do. The Bible tells us that we are to go into all of the nations and preach the gospel. It is definitely an important piece of the puzzle to winning lost souls to the kingdom of God. While doing the ministry though, we cannot forsake the first 3 steps above. Ministry is apart of Chris, it's a part of me. But, it does not and cannot overcome us. 
And that's it... everything else after #4 can fall into line how ever they come. Love God, Love your spouse, Love your family, and Love the ministry that God has placed you in.

I love you CHRISTOPHER WILEY. I am so thankful to have you and honored to be your wife of seven years and MANY more to come!
<3 Sonya